Nayaswami Dharmarajan spoke of the devotee’s need for renunciation and Swami Kriyananda’s book, A Renunciate Order for the New Age. You can also read about the Nayaswami Order.
Video and Audio
Stories of Swami Kriyananda
Narayani and Shurjo served as Swami Kriyananda’s personal aides in the last years of life. During their visit here they shared many stories and lessons from their time with him.
Stories of Swami Kriyananda
Narayani and Shurjo served as Swami Kriyananda’s personal aides in the last years of life. During their visit here they shared many stories and lessons from their time with him.
Ananda Chennai Dedication
We recently dedicated our new center. It was July 21st, exactly 6 months to the day after Swami Kriyananda spoke in Chennai to an overflowing crowd at the nearby Music Academy. The dedication was powerful: many commented on the deep vibrations they felt.
Ananda Chennai Dedication
We recently dedicated our new center. It was July 21st, exactly 6 months to the day after Swami Kriyananda spoke in Chennai to an overflowing crowd at the nearby Music Academy. The dedication was powerful: many commented on the deep vibrations they felt.